
On this page you will find a series of forms

Battery Regulations
Cargo Security Declaration
Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Orgin US NAFTA
Credit Application Four Star
Customer Update Form
EEI for Foreign Principle Party in Interest Authorization
EEI for US Principle Party in Interest Authorization
Exporting a Motor Vehicle Information
Export Power of Attorney for a Motor Vechicle
Export Florida Certificate of Forwarding Agent Address

Florida Sales Tax Exemption for Exports: Requirements


Federal Maritime Commission FMC Number
Four Star Credit Card Charge Authorization Form
Hazardous Materials Compliance
Insurance Survey Report Loss or Damage
Letter Of Intent To File Claim Your Letterhead
Lithium Battery Guidance Air Cargo-2013 IATA-V1.1
Security and EEI Shipping Agreement Combo EEI
Shippers Letter of Instructions
Terms AirFreight
Terms OceanFreight
Four Star Cargo Contacts


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  • Insurance
  • Quotes
  • Shipping  Forms


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  • About Us
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  • Agents and Locations


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  • Current Weather
  • Americas Trade and Supply